주식이 고기인 석지니는삼겹살 기름이 살짝 들어간 김치볶음밥을 먹다가물말아서 맨밥을 먹음
Seokjini, whose main dish is meat, ate kimchi fried rice with a little bit of pork belly oil and dried it with water and ate bare rice.
부실하게 밥을 먹은 진
메추리알 100개 까기 미션을 받고 생각이 많아짐
Jin, who ate poorly.
100 quail eggs mission and have a lot of thoughts
게임은 아직 시작도 전인데
동생은 벌써 메추리알을 들고 튈 준비를 하고
The game isn't even starting yet.
She's already ready to run with quail eggs.
내거라고 말도 못하고 애절한 눈으로 바라봄ㅋㅋ
I can't even say it's mine, but I look at it with mournful eyes.
본격적으로 메추리알을 까기 시작하는데
벌써 불안ㅋㅋㅋ
We're really starting to peel quail eggs.
I'm already nervous.
불안한 맏형은 감정에 호소해보는데
Anxious eldest brother appeals to emotions.
먹히지도 않음
Doesn't Work
엄마가 시켰다는 말도 안되는 협박도 해보지만
I'm trying to blackmail my mom, but...
역시나 먹히지 않고 까는 족족 동생들이 먹어버림
As expected, it was eaten by little brothers who didn't eat.
게임 할 때도 욕하지 않던 맏형은
그렇게 메추리알을 까다 울컥해버리는데....
The oldest brother, who didn't curse when he was playing games,
That's how you pick quail eggs.
와중에 메추리알을 들고 멀리 달아나는 막내
In the meantime, the youngest who runs away with quail eggs.
가뜩이나 속상한데
동생이 김치전 부친다며 김치를 찾아 달라고 따라다님
I'm really upset.
My brother said he was going to make kimchi pancakes and asked me to find kimchi.
김치전에게 동변상련을 느끼는 메추리알 ㅋㅋㅋ
Quail eggs that feel frozen in love with kimchi pancakes lol
마지막으로 나이에 호소해보기도 하는데
(김석진 / 나이 30살 / 방탄소년단 맏형)
Finally, I appeal to my age.
(Kim Seok-jin / Age 30 / BTS eldest)
뭐든지 잘하는 동생은 그릇을 통째로 숨기고
My brother, who's good at everything, hides his entire bowl.
포기가 빨라진 석지니는
김치전 동생에게 프라이팬을 빌려옴
Seokjin, who gave up faster,
I borrowed a frying pan from my brother.
긍정적인 맏형은 명절분위기라고 위로하는데
그와중에 둘째는 돌맹이가 되었고 뭐든지 잘하는 막내는 날고 있네
The positive eldest brother says it's a holiday atmosphere.
And the second is a rock, and the youngest who's good at everything is flying.
소중한 노른자를 모아 용볼을 만들어 보았지만
I've gathered precious yolks to make a dragon ball.
그렇게 게임은 졌지만
반려메추리알과 함께하는 새로운 취미를 얻었다고 한다
That's how I lost the game.
It is said that he has gained a new hobby with his companion quail egg.
결국 메추리알을 실트에 올려 놓으며
행복하게 끝이 났답니다
Eventually, you put quail eggs on real-time Twitter.
It ended happily.
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